Reentry Services

Food Support

No one should go hungry. But, making ends meet can be hard. Many homes lack reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. Finding resources for food supplementation can be hard because most services serve on a limited basis. Below is a list of food banks and food service programs across Spokane that you can utilize when you need to. 




Salvation Army


222 E Indiana, Spokane, WA 99207

Open Monday-Thursday 8AM-4PM



Maple Office: (509) 363-5000
Trent Office:
(509) 227-2770

1608 W Boone Ave, Spokane, WA
8517 E Trent Ave #101 Spokane Valley, WA

Open 8AM-5PM Monday-Friday, Apply for food benefits, Medical Insurance, and other resources 


Breaking Bread Rescue Market

Family of Faith Community Church

Our Place


Partners Inland NW


1504 W Grace Ave Spokane, WA 

1509 W College, Spokane, WA 99201

10814 E Broadway, Spokane, WA 99201


Reentry Services

Employment Support

Being out of the workforce for an extended period of time can be tough. Tasks such as developing a resume can seem impossible when you do not know where to start. There are a variety of services in Spokane that are here to help you get back out there! Services offer everything from resume building, to temporary employment agencies, and even classes that help you improve your interviewing skills! Check out this list of resources and see what’s right for you.




Revive Counseling – FCS Supported Employment Navigation
Phone 509-413-2950

901 N Monroe St Ste 200
Spokane, WA 99201

Reentry navigators are peer coaches with lived experience.

Worksource Spokane

(509) 532-3000

130 S Arthur Street

Spokane, WA 

Resume building, community computers, employment resouces through their website

Reentry Services

Education and Job Training


Having trouble thinking of things to include on your resume? Maybe you could benefit from job training programs. There are a wide variety of programs that offer skills that can be useful for your job search or even to include on a resume. Programs like BFET (Basic Food and Employment Training), RISE ( apprenticeship programs, and more!

 Are you thinking of going back to school or enrolling in a vocational program? Contact the local community colleges and see what your options are!

Reentry Services

Clothing Resources

Starting from scratch? Starting over can be difficult when you only have the shirt on your back. Well, these guys got your back! Check out these resources that can help you build up your wardrobe. Clothing closets offer everything from casual clothing, shoes, and sandals, to the perfect interview outfit needed to make that lasting impression on your future employer! Some offer accessories such as makeup and purses, or hygiene products. Check with the provider to see what is available. Or, if you have any clothing that you are no longer using, they greatly accept donations! 




Volunteers of America

Phone: 509.624.2378

Fax: 509.624.2275

525 W 2nd Ave
Spokane, WA 99201 

Help with finances and work costs available

Department of Vocational Rehabilitation

(509) 363-4700

1313 N Atlantic St #1000 Spokane, WA

Help with finances and work costs available


(509) 326-1190

930 N Monroe Spokane, WA

Help with finances and work costs available

Teen Closet

(509) 534-1151 

9212 E Montgomery Ave #302, Spokane Valley, WA 99206

Clothes for foster kids and teens in need

Peer Support

Having a hard time? We’ve been there! Our staff is constructed of formerly justice involved individuals who can relate and truly want to help. Come in today for a screening and match up with a peer who’s right for you!

Family Support

Incarceration affects our entire families. Revive Center for Returing Citizens provides coaching services for influencers of citizens returning from institutions. Call us today for more information!


Housing Resources

Finding the right housing can be a pain. Revive Center for Returning Citizens provides links to resources for whatever your housing needs are: from transitional housing, to transformational housing, to a network of housing providers for families.

Legal Aid

Our community partners offer legal aid clinics, help with Legal Financial Obligations, Re-Licensing Programs, Voter Restoration Services, Prisoners’ Rights, Housing Disputes, Debt Collectors Sales and Scams, and so much more!

Mental Health & Treatment Services

Revive Center for Returning Citizens values your health. We have contacts at many local mental health and treatment service providers that accept state insurance and work with Department of Corrections. 

Basic Needs Support

Our community resources can help you meet your basic needs! We know of a variety of programs that offer bus passes, clothing for jobs and interviews, resume building, hygiene products, and so much more!