Our Revive Family of Organizations are committed to addressing and dismantling systemic racism and all other forms of oppression wherever possible. We are dedicated to educating ourselves, our clients, community and our partners on understanding structural, historical and internalized oppression. We are committed to using race-equity, anti-oppression lenses and anti-racist perspectives in all we do. We understand that much of our legal, criminal justice and carceral systems reinforce racialized structures, normalize racial segregation, and perpetuate oppressive, de-humanizing outcomes.
We believe in no more conversations or decisions about us without us, and are dedicated to approaching all our work from restorative yet accountable perspectives. We strive to create and deliver systems, programs and supports that accomplish and sustain equity, true justice and healthy, empowered connections through proactive and preventative measures, research, evidence-based practices, policies and procedures, and persistent, sustained action.

Layne Pavey

Kevin Edwards
Vice President
I am a licensed Substance Use Disorder Professional, Certified Peer Counselor and FCS Specialist. My license numbers are CP61205034 and CG61078770. I attended Peninsula Community College, Western Oregon University, Spokane Falls Community College and Eastern Washington University where I studied Psychology and Sociology and obtained a degree in Addiction Studies. I am trained in cognitive behavioral interventions and Motivational Interviewing. I am a peer with lived experience with addiction and incarceration. Helping people who have experienced what I have is the population I love to work with.

Kurtis Robinson
Executive director / Treasurer

Mallorie Osborn
I am Mallorie Osborn, Board Secretary on the Board for the Revive Center for Returning Citizens and the Director of Client Care at Revive Counseling Spokane. I am passionate about helping people overcome barriers the way that I have. As a mother who was formerly incarcerated, formerly homeless, and formerly in active addiction, I fully understand each barrier and challenge that comes with these life experiences. I have advocated for myself repeatedly to finally be able to see the rainbow on the other side of that ugly storm; that storm led me to my passion of helping others overcome the same. I am honored and so grateful to be a part of such an amazing organization that provides a space to advocate, support, and provide services for a population that I was once a part of. My greatest achievement is my sobriety and all the greatness that follows.